Technical standardization

We’ve often been asked a question: what is standardization, what are its uses and how it can benefit the services that company can provide?
The answer is simple. Any industrial society cannot function without technical legislation that would provide guidelines and regulate processes of manufacture and quality control as well as ensure health and safety of the workers, help avoid property damage and protect the environment. Standardization aims to harmonize all the rules and regulations that exist in specific industries and to make most of them.
The technical committee for standardization ТC 138 NAFTOGAZnormuvannya set up with LLC RTE Burova Technika is created for that same purpose: to make processes and operations in petroleum industry more efficient and assist in bringing in the international standards. The committee is chaired by Vitaliy Vitryk, Director General of Burova Technika, PhD, Engineering Sciences, member of the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy. Volodymyr Sirenko, Senior Standards and Quality Engineer, LLC RTE Burova Technika, serves as secretary of the committee.
ТC 138 NAFTOGAZnormuvannya is a member of Association “Oil and Gas of Ukraine”.
Engineers working for the committee have extensive experience in developing and harmonization of standards, regulations, specifications and specialize in cluster drilling, sidetracking and workover with coiled tubing.
Summary of the committee strategy see here.
The following documents have been developed or are being developed by the technical committee on request from the operators:
- Construction regulations (ВБН) В.2.4-00013741-001:2008 Construction of oil and gas wells. Principal provisions
- State Standard of Ukraine (ДСТУ) ISO 10414-1 Petroleum industry. Testing fluids while in production. Part 1. Water-based muds (ISO 10414-1:2008, IDT)
- Company Standard (СОУ) 11.2-20077720-030:2008 Oil and gas wells. Casing. Principal provisions
- Company Standard 11.2-13957538-001:2010 Oil and gas wells. Well pad drilling. Simultaneous drilling, production and workover at well pads in oil and gas fields in Ukraine. General technical requirements
- Company Standard 09.1-31174865.001:2019 Oil and gas wells. Acid treatment using coiled tubing equipment. Process regulation
- Company Standard 09.1-31174865.002:2019 Oil and gas wells. Sand jet perforation using coiled tubing equipment. Process regulation
- Company Standard 09.1-31174865.003:2019 Oil and gas wells. Special operations using coiled tubing equipment. General requirements
- Company Standard 11.2-31174865.04:2020 Oil and gas wells. Supervising for drilling and workover. Guidelines
- Company Standard 11.2-20077720-029:2009 Petroleum industry. Drilling of wells. Principal provisions
- Company Standard 11.2-20077720-035:2009 Petroleum industry. Drilling muds and chemicals. Properties
- Company Standard 11.2-00013741-002:2008 Oil and gas fields. Early detection and prevention of oil, water and gas kicks. Procedure
- Company Standard 11.2-200077720-046:2011 Operations at industry facilities during well construction. General technical requirements
- Company Standard 09.10-31174865.002:2018 Blowout prevention equipment. Typical schematics, main parameters and technical requirements
- Process regulation (ТР) 31174865.001:2016 Regulations for drilling of directional and horizontal wells
- Process regulation 31174865.002:2017 Regulations for muds and special fluids
- Recommended practices for diving operations in petroleum industry