Highly skilled and trained professionals make all the difference
The sooner students start getting acquainted with the essence of their future profession and get to try all the ropes, gaining insights and valuable experience, the better and at ease they would feel making the first steps in their careers.
Our goal is to train highly competent team players, and our company regularly conducts advancement courses on muds and drilling fluids. They are aimed both at seasoned professionals with years of experience behind them and students to develop their skills and enhance their knowledge for the very competitive environment.
On October, 4-8, students of the Poltava Oil and Gas College, National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic", attended lectures on muds and special fluids as well as spent time in the Burova Technika lab doing mud tests supervised by our engineers.
To receive Certificate of Completion, the attendees passed thorough examination. The student also have received the printed copies of Production Regulations for Muds and Special Fluids.
If you too would like to expand your professional knowledge and develop important career skills, we shall always be glad to welcome you to our advancement courses.