Knowledge is the true treasure

Our company is always eager to take its part in training the students on their path to become petroleum professionals and share the knowledge of the state of the art technologies that will boost the energy independence of Ukraine.
Getting a good quality education these difficult times is a real challenge. Despite all the hardships, students and lecturers of the Poltava College of Oil and Gas that is part of the National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» made it to the end of the educational year according to the regular schedule.
On June 15th, the final exam for students majoring in Well Drilling took place. The exam board was chaired by Vitaliy Vitryk, PhD, Technical Sciences, Director General of LLC RTE Burova Technika, Academician of Oil and Gas Academy of Ukraine, Honorary Professor of the National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic».
“Together with educational professionals, we do our utmost to provide our students with all skills and knowledge for them to become the full-fledge members of our industry”, he said.
We thank our Armed Forces and keep working together towards our victory!